People associated with a project

  • Project Coordinators: (also known as Project Leader, Project Coordinator, Principal Investigator, State Coordinator, Faculty Advisor, Major Professor or Grad Student): Project coordinators are registered users who are responsible for project management and reporting. Names and all contact information are visible in the public report. Demographics data (race, sex and ethnicity) are optional and  not visible in the public report.
  • Project Associates: Project associates are registered users who have full report editing and submission permissions. Names and contact data are not visible in the public report and demographic data is not collected.
  • Project Cooperators: Project cooperators are unregistered individuals who play a significant role in conducting project research or educational activities.  Do NOT include Project Coordinators. Names and addresses are visible in the public report. Email addresses and phone numbers are not visible in the public report. Demographic data is not collected.
  • Participants: Participants are individuals who participate in or otherwise benefit from project educational or research activities. Do NOT include Project Coordinators or Project Cooperators. Names and contact information are not visible in the public report. Demographics data (race, sex and ethnicity) is not collected.